Monday, June 14, 2010

Holy shit kids, I have a blog

I nearly forgot all about this.

I don't understand how I manage to have four projects going at one time. I live IN A TRUCK. And I'm still knitting a hat (for the boyfriend who barely speaks to me anymore), a pair of socks (I have forgotten how to make a heel, so this is eternally stuck at half a sock), squares for a Lizard Ridge (which may never be done, I hate sewing), and mittens. The hat is the only thing that might be done, if only so I can fling it in his face when I see him again.

I am absolutely not above passive-aggressive knitting.

In other news, I'm moving to Texas for graduate school. Do you know what this means? DO YOU?

I get my STASH back. Those two giant bins of yarn that I have in storage in Chicago. From my heady undergraduate years. TWO BINS. Off the top of my head, I have yarn in there for a Snow White, knit booties, another Chad's Pullover, like six hats, at least 10 pairs of socks, and a whole pile of fiber that might be nice now that I know how to spin.

I am trying to hold myself to a vow of yarn celibacy. Only knitting from stash for my first year of grad school. I mean, I HAVE enough yarn to make this happen. And if I only buy needles and notions and crap, I should be fine. Especially because I have a billion pattern books, and Ravelry is full of free patterns. I WILL PARE IT DOWN TO ONE BIN. ONE.

Also, I have a cast iron enameled sink in my laundry room. So I can dye things. Like that gorgeous cashmere I have in that ungodly red.

That's pretty much all that's new tho. Hi.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hawaii is too cool for you!

Well, I'm still here. The mainland looks like less and less of a good idea . BUT I HAVE MY DREAM SUMMER JOB! AT CORNING! That's right baby, shop technician in one of the best teaching shops on the east coast. Uh huh.

I still haven't knit anything, cause I'm still in Hawaii with none of my projects. I'm going back on the 25th or something like that tho. And then I have to prep for an iron pour in April, pack up and sell my condo in May, and then move to Corning for almost four months. I even found a place to stay, with a deck and a place to park my car and everything. $800 a month with everything included.

I plan to knit a few sweaters this summer too. Maybe I'll get ambitious and knit another Rogue. I need to finish my foundry sweater, and I'm actively considering knitting a sweater for a guy I know who might need one. But I like him, so I don't know if I want to jinx that. Eeesh.

Anyway, off to lunch with the mother. Lovelovelovelove.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Oh, uh. . .hi.

Wow, I'm a slacker.

I'm also in Hawaii. I left all my knitting in Chicago, cause I didn't think I'd really have time (what with all the bodysurfing and hiking and cuddling with the dogs and all) but now that I've been here for three months I'm staring to wish that I'd at least brought beach knitting.

On the other hand, I've got tons of sketching done, read a lot of books, and I have a truly beautiful tan. I finished my grad school application, and my summer job application, and I'm seriously anticipating positive responses to both of those. Hopefully in the next two weeks.

So I go back to Chicago (ew) in about a week. I'm going to work on not wanting to cry all the time, once I leave my island home and return to the wasteland.

On the knitting side. I think I'm going to make the laceup glove things in my queue, and finish my Chad's Pullover, and go to Loopy and curl up on the couch.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oh hello *blaaarrrgh*

I woke up twice today, and the second time I woke up sick as a dog. The first time was at 6 to drive people to yarn.con, which turned out not to be needed, which resulted in me losing my free and awesome parking space, and having to find one that's only good for the weekend, and then grump home and try to fall back asleep. Which I did eventually, and then when I woke up again I felt like shit.

I hate Chicago when it's cold. When it's warm, there are redeeming things about it. When it turns cold? Football happens, traffic gets worse, people suck more. I hate it. Thank god this is my last Chicago winter, and I'm spending a big chunk of it at home for Christmas.

Anyway, I feel like death, but I ate something that stayed down, and a Netflix movie (Summer Storm) got here. As did my PEACE FLEECE PATTERNS!! HOORAY! They mailed the first set like two weeks ago. . .to Hawaii. After I emailed them back and told them I was in Chicago (and the reciept I got in my email says as much, right under SHIP TO:) they sent another set here, and I just got them. I can start my new Chad's Pullover, and finish my mother's damned cardigan.

Right now I"m going to make more tea and watch me some Firefly though. I hate feeling sick.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

And Ravelry breaks my brain.

**This whole entry is a result of PMS, hunger for something that's not canned, and anger at the mess of my condo. Read accordingly.**

I have too much yarn.

Now I know this is a sentiment that Nancy will smack me for. If anyone approaches too much yarn, even loosely, it's Nancy. And I am an enabler, who always insists that you can NEVER have too much yarn. But Nancy isn't moving, practically living in her car all the time, or possibly relocating for two years to Estonia. I don't even have all yarn that's meant for projects. I found today a large stash of Lamb's Pride worsted, in random colors, and I really don't know know what to do with it. Or the bulky. Or the gazillion balls of leftovers that I can't bring myself to just toss.

Of course, if I started some projects, I could take some yarn out of the stash. But as previously mentioned, I live in the truck all the time. I can't knit and drive at the same time. So that's frequently 16 hours at a time of knitting wasted in the car. And when I'm home, I feel like I should be tackling the disaster that my condo is. I am THISCLOSE to throwing half the things I own into bags and hauling them to the Goodwill.

Nancy, none of this means I don't want that cashmere. I'm just ruminating here.

Arrr. Anyway, I'm going to Swatch the 3xC sweater this afternoon if I get the front hall SPOTLESS, and that will make me feel better. Along with some Midol and an order of curry from Amarit. Mmmm, curry.

Also, I've been listening to too much Tom Waits lately, which makes me a little too dramatic. But seriously, the piano was drinking, not me.

Monday, October 1, 2007

O helo world

OH GOD this is a reason to actually start writing in this thing.

I finally got me a invite.

My camera cable is AWOL, but as soon as it's here, I'll be posting photos of projects, and yarn, and all that other good stuff.

Of course, organizing for Ravelry makes me realize that I have a LOT of UFOs kicking around. Hell, there's a Rowan tanktop here I've been working on since 2003. I should get cracking.

Also, that hemp sweater I was killing myself over? I don't want to talk about it. Burning is looking more appropriate than frogging at this point.