Tuesday, October 2, 2007

And Ravelry breaks my brain.

**This whole entry is a result of PMS, hunger for something that's not canned, and anger at the mess of my condo. Read accordingly.**

I have too much yarn.

Now I know this is a sentiment that Nancy will smack me for. If anyone approaches too much yarn, even loosely, it's Nancy. And I am an enabler, who always insists that you can NEVER have too much yarn. But Nancy isn't moving, practically living in her car all the time, or possibly relocating for two years to Estonia. I don't even have all yarn that's meant for projects. I found today a large stash of Lamb's Pride worsted, in random colors, and I really don't know know what to do with it. Or the bulky. Or the gazillion balls of leftovers that I can't bring myself to just toss.

Of course, if I started some projects, I could take some yarn out of the stash. But as previously mentioned, I live in the truck all the time. I can't knit and drive at the same time. So that's frequently 16 hours at a time of knitting wasted in the car. And when I'm home, I feel like I should be tackling the disaster that my condo is. I am THISCLOSE to throwing half the things I own into bags and hauling them to the Goodwill.

Nancy, none of this means I don't want that cashmere. I'm just ruminating here.

Arrr. Anyway, I'm going to Swatch the 3xC sweater this afternoon if I get the front hall SPOTLESS, and that will make me feel better. Along with some Midol and an order of curry from Amarit. Mmmm, curry.

Also, I've been listening to too much Tom Waits lately, which makes me a little too dramatic. But seriously, the piano was drinking, not me.

1 comment:

Pixisis said...

don't worry, Cyd. your cashemere is safe with me. and so is your alpaca. : )