Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oh hello *blaaarrrgh*

I woke up twice today, and the second time I woke up sick as a dog. The first time was at 6 to drive people to yarn.con, which turned out not to be needed, which resulted in me losing my free and awesome parking space, and having to find one that's only good for the weekend, and then grump home and try to fall back asleep. Which I did eventually, and then when I woke up again I felt like shit.

I hate Chicago when it's cold. When it's warm, there are redeeming things about it. When it turns cold? Football happens, traffic gets worse, people suck more. I hate it. Thank god this is my last Chicago winter, and I'm spending a big chunk of it at home for Christmas.

Anyway, I feel like death, but I ate something that stayed down, and a Netflix movie (Summer Storm) got here. As did my PEACE FLEECE PATTERNS!! HOORAY! They mailed the first set like two weeks ago. . .to Hawaii. After I emailed them back and told them I was in Chicago (and the reciept I got in my email says as much, right under SHIP TO:) they sent another set here, and I just got them. I can start my new Chad's Pullover, and finish my mother's damned cardigan.

Right now I"m going to make more tea and watch me some Firefly though. I hate feeling sick.

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